Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Hello Everyone!!
Good night!!! hihi
My name is Dinda Amelia,Im from Medan city.I'm one of student in SMAN 3 MEDAN
So this is my new blog.Seriously guys I have no idea why I made this but My brother said "If you want to create everything you want,just made your own blog and share about your life so everyone could read that"
According to my tittle "GOOD NEVER SLEEP" I wanna you guys know how miracle happened in my life  (btw pardon my english,I still practice hehe)
I hope you enjoyed!!
The story began from me in Primary.My parents moved me to "HARAPAN 1"
Many people said its one of the most popular school in Medan, and obviously I felt so happy
and fyi basicly i was the person who always think to learn,I didn't care about friends I just cared about how my brain could understand all the matters that my teachers give.
The first day I went to school I saw all my friends They were so kind to me,but you know i almost never cared about it.In my mind only one thing and that's "STUDY HARD"
because I felt the lesson in this school is higher than my school before,so I must found the way to made myself also higher than the others.
And finally I got almost perfect score in my class in every last exam.
Junior high school began,I decided to go to the same school aka "HARAPAN 1 JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL"
such as like in primary,I always wanna be the smartest one than others,I started to study hard and showed my able to all the teachers.
Suddenly something happened guys :((
Someday I saw something wrong in my life.I saw my classfriends talked to each other and went to mall together but looked at me I just back to home,studied all night,and lonely. hmm
Finally I realized I had no friends.All my friends assumed me as less social person and stayed away from me.
I felt so sad,i never felt as sad as this before.I thought a difficult things in my life at that time was found a friend.
When my junior high school almost done,I promised to my self to changed and be better person
I tried to be friendly to all my friends,and it wasn't difficult guys my classfriends looked so friendly too
And I also tried to make them become comfortable with me such as like give anything they needed.
I felt so happy and be grateful to ALLAH SWT.
But guys apparently i got everything was faked huhu ;(
They didn't really make a friends with me,they were just called me when they needed ;(
From this experience I could see the faked one and the real one huh ;) //and guys i agree about "dont trust everyone even salt look like sugar" okey?
And In the holiday time I really wanna changed my self guys seriously i never wanted the bad time in jhs repeated again in shs.I prayed to GOD i said please make easy way to me in everything ya ALLAH
so My mom said i must tried to go to public school because there are many opportunity in there to continue to college later
Day 1 in Senior high school guyss
I came to SMAN3 MEDAN with the new me  #ea
I tried to more being friendly than thought about lesson too much,I talked to my friend I said to go to canteen together and exchanged our own story.
And guess what I got till this day guyss jeng jeng jeng
I got so many new friends but I had the 3 people who always beside me ;)
But guys the important things from my story are the first back to the tittle GOD NEVER SLEEP
you must believe to god's planed for you,just wait until the plan done :)
And the second dont forget to always pray for the best for you
To be honest guys i really cant believe this miracle happened to me
So the point is Allah is fair and save many surprised to us ;))
Thak youu for reading guys sorry if there are many mistakes word or mistakes tenses on it
I tried my best and BYEE,See yaa!!!
